November 21st Meeting
Featured Speaker
Robert Hand presented a talk on aspects as used in Medieval astrology and also provided a handout on Aspects, Applications and Separation. Robert’s Arhat Publications (archives for retrieval of historical astrological texts) are available on his website at His talk is summarized below and a copy of the handout is also included (double click on pictures to enlarge text). · The oldest forms of astrology are Hellinistic and Hindu · Partile means to the degree, not exact · Aspects originally were from sign to sign. · Western words and eastern words for aspect mean “to look at, bear witness to”. · Although a conjunction is not an aspect, aspects are a form of conjunction, will consider a conjunction as an aspect for the purpose of this talk. · For more information on Medieval Astrology, the works of Guido Bonatti are recommended · In Latin inconjunct means not joined, better to use the term quincunx. · Greeks did not use semisextiles or quincunx even by degree because they would join signs that have nothing in common. · In Greek astrology the signs were the houses. The meaning of the houses were derived from the sign relationships. · If the ruler of the 1st is inconjunct with the ruler of the 7th, don’t expect a relationship to work out (horary). · In Hellenistic and Medieval astrology there were only major aspects. Aspects were only taken from sign to sign, applying, exact, and separating orbs appeared later. · Each planet is surrounded by an orb of light and that diameter varies. Aspects don’t have orbs, planets have orbs. · The modern orb is considered a radius not a diameter. For example, a diameter of 18 degrees equals 9 degrees to either side of a planet whereas a radius of 18 degrees equals 18 degrees to either side. · Combustion means a planet is never visible. The moon is first visible when it is 12 degrees from the Sun. All planets are visible at 17 degrees or more from the Sun. · Orbs do not cross sign boundaries. There are no out-of-sign aspects in traditional astrology. · Minor aspects can only be by degree. Out-of-sign aspects must be of much closer orb, i.e. plus or minus 3 degrees. · We have not implemented predictive techniques because they are complicated. · Primary directions are a way of directing the planets (not on ecliptic but in the visible sky). Solar arcs are like primary directions. · Void of course moon is important because the ancients (including Lilly in 1600s) believed the moon channeled the energies of the other planets to the earth. A planet is not potent until the moon aspects it. VC moon means bad news (horary) or event has no potency (electional). VC moon in a natal chart means the person will take a while to find there calling; this is offset if planet on ASC; cancels or decreases if moon in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces because Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and Sagittarius and Pisces are exalted in Jupiter. · Astrology comes from Mesopotamia through the Greek. VC moon comes from the Greek period. · The moon operates as if it doesn’t have an orb. You may recall the case of Pamela Smart. She had a student lover and killed her husband. Her natal chart had Moon square Saturn at a 6 degree orb and her Moon has no other aspects in her chart. · With the Moon, the most important aspect it makes is the next one. Sequence is more important than closeness. Divide aspects into pre-natal and post-natal and observe the sequence in time in which they occur. If you study horary, you have learned this.Not all squares are bad, for example Sun-Jupiter.
Educational Session
Helmut Licht presented an educational session on aspects, including a handout with specific details. The following are some key points he presented. · The highest northern declination occurs during the summer solstice – June 21 · The birth chart represents your thoughts · Thoughts correspond to houses · To best handle square aspects, take care of one end first and then the other · Oppositions are best handled by choosing one side and letting go of the other · Knowing astrology can help to know what energies/challenges are coming in and to recognize the need to stay positive know matter what · The square aspect also affects the houses in the signs the squaring planet rules. Helmut also went into some detail about declinations. Declination corresponds to latitude. Helmut has written a book called The Vertical Zodiac which shows how to display and read declinations in an astrological chart. His book is available on his website at
The Baltimore NCGR Xmas party will be at our president Kitty Hatcher’s house on Dec. 8
Speakers are arranged through May 2007.
Carolyn Lewis (Vice President) is continuing to look for opportunities to bring new members to the Baltimore NCGR group. Flyers announcing the meetings were provided and members and guests were encouraged to take flyers to post in opportune locations.