Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mar 17, 2009 Meeting
Featured Speaker
Brendan Feeley is a professional vedic astrologer with a full-time practice in Rockville, MD. He began his astrological studies with Howard Sasportas, Liz Greene and Ron Davidson, while living in London in 1975. In 1984, he took an interest in Vedic astrology or Jyotish and has been entirely devoted to the subject since that time. He is a founding member of the American Council of Vedic Astrologers and the President of Sri Jagannath Center – USA, an organization dedicated to the teachings of classical Jyotish from the ancient sages of India. He can be reached at 301-424-6644 or

Love, Relationships and Marriage
Woody Allen said that “marriage was the death of hope,” and this is an appropriate viewpoint for somebody with the Moon conjoined Saturn in the seventh house. There is no doubt that this entire topic is the bedrock of powerful cosmological fantasies – of intimacy, passion, oneness, sweetness, kindness, seduction, freedom, independence, fulfilled longing, responsibility, sacrifice, and fear. Shakespeare wrote about it and astrologers are forever talking about the topic. What do we really know and what do the planets tell us? How can we tell if a person is capable of love, capable of relationship or fulfillment in marriage? How do we see the treachery, manipulation, deception, suffering, violence, separation, legal battles and divorce? What does the beautiful Venus and her cohorts have to say about all this? What would Narcissus say? This Venus, this Goddess, this Echo! In Vedic astrology she is said to be the Guru of the demons and the demons are always hungry. Insatiable!

CD/MP3 Info
CDs ($10.00) and MP3s ($8.00) of this talk are available from Baltimore NCGR. Order at meetings or contact Teri Taylor 443-794-9126 or

Some highlights from Brendan’s Talk on Love, Relationships and Marriage
The whole of nature is a program, a computer program. The whole of the manifest world is a program and our job is to experience it. And most of us are defended against this experience.

Rishi’s (seers) are divine beings that descended into this world and wrote 3 volumes of scriptures that include the Vedas. Veda means knowledge. These scriptures include a whole series of books on astrology.

Nature has become demonized so we have demonized a part of ourselves.

We should be able to look at a chart and tell if a person will be famous or not or impoverished or not. The rules are that clear. No ifs and or buts. No guessing.

Given a chart with Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in the first house you can immediately say that this will be a famous person, someone known all over the world.

In the ancient system there are certain yogas. Jyoti means life and Isha means God, so we call this subject Jyotish.

In Jyotish, if you have Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 1rst house, it is known as the Hamsa yoga. Hamsa is a swan. Paramahansa means great swan. The swan is the only creature that is able to drink milk and separate the curd from the whey. It gives perfect discrimination. It means you are a great being.

If you have one of the three benefics (Jupiter, Venus or Mercury) in the 1rst, 4th, 7th or 10th houses, you will walk through this world with ease and you’ll attract all sorts of wealth into your life. These are the most important houses in the chart. Paul Newman had Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the first house.

You think life is about choice? No. These ancients say that your life is already determined before you come into this world. The choices are already made. You have free will. And your free will is to either curse it or celebrate it, or respond to it. Your free will is to become conscious. Whether there’s going to be violence, whether there’s going to be love, whether there’s going to be passion, whether it’s going to be sexless – that’s already destined as far as I’m concerned. Our choice is either to accept our destiny and become spiritual. We are completely free to become spiritual at anytime. It doesn’t cost you a penny to surrender your heart to God at anytime. That’s what free will is. If you are a person who wants to become a millionaire, you can dream all you like but it won’t happen if it’s not shown in your chart.

Dharma is being in alignment with the intention of the Cosmos.

Mercury is the mimic, it is the best actor, gives the capacity for acting.

Marriage increase dharma. It is the house of God, idealism.

The 3rd house stands for courage. Getting married and having children increases your courage.

In Paul Newman’s chart, all the angular houses after the first house have malifics. Five malifics in angular houses means the first marriage has to go.

The sun is the soul, the moon is the mind. When these two come together, that is where the trouble begins. The mind is a material object of creation, not interest in the Divine. The sun and moon are two opposing forces.

The 7th house represents the reproductive organs. Venus rules the hormones. Instinctual response pulls us into relationships.

The 8th house – death, transformation, chronic diseases.

The 2nd house to any house in your chart destroys the house. 2nd house is the house of sustenance.

Malifics are good in the 3rd and 6th houses, they help you grow. Malifics in the 8th house are the worst for marriage.

The 2nd house shows how you speak. Mars in the 2nd gives critical speech. Mars in the 8th – spouse always criticizing.

Jupiter is the Guru of the God, always teaching divine knowledge. Venus is the guru of the demons. In the Veda, there are no devils outside of the human body. The demons are the senses. Venus teaches the senses because it rules sensuality.

A mantra is a prayer in Sanskrit, there are many including one to ward off disease. Venus is the planet that wakes people from the dead. Relationships, indulging in the senses, brings you back to life. Mars is the one who slams doors. We do not like to become conscious, that’s why we leave relationships.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The 7th house is called the house of death. The mischief begins after sunset.

Venus kills your ego, your sense of individuality. Its does that so we will grow, learn, develop and become human.

If the Lord of the ascendant is weak and aspected by malifics, you will struggle your whole life.
Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are soft planets, will not make you a computer programmer or engineer but gives artistic talent.

The south node (Ketu) is worse than Mars. Ketu only wants one thing – enlightenment. The north node (Raju) wants success in the world, wants to be famous.
Ketu is a philosopher, wants enlightenment, always doubting. An evolved Ketu is completely detached human being, knows Venus is nonsense, seeks enlightenment. An un-evolved Ketu engages in headless activities. (Chart of Jenny Arness (daughter of James Arness) used as an example. She committed suicide because of love obsession.)

Raju and Ketu are mysterious planets. Osama Bin Laden has Ketu and Mars conjoined in the 1rst house. Whatever planet Ketu conjoins will take away the pleasures of the planet.

Saturn looks old, scrawny, diseased. Saturn’s two sons are calculated points. The chart is divided into 8 parts called horas. The middle portion of Saturn’s hora is Mundi?, the last portion is gulaga. Gulaga? is the poison you consume. Mundi is the poison you gave to others in past lives.

The 4th house rules the mind, is ruled by the moon, early education, mother as teacher. The 4th house is mother Saraswahi?, the Divine mother that blesses you. The real mother of your soul is the Divine mother. Malifics in this house mean a terrible trauma in connection with the mother. Any planet on the Raju/Ketu axis are always in trouble, always some kind of fate, struggle, obsession. Ketu takes everything away. Venus conjunct Ketu and Saturn – nun or monk, ability to dedicate to cause or purpose, obsessed scientist.

InVedic astrology, aspects represent desire. The aspects formed are permanent from your birth chart. The Venus period is 20 years long. Venus Raju brings some kind of relationship or love.

Planet with the most advanced degree is the significator of your soul. If you have malifics in the 4th house - your heart will be broken, heart disease.

The moon is the emotional aspect of the mind, mercury is the intellectual aspect of the mind.

Raju causes emotional and mental shocks.


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