September 16 Meeting
A fundraiser (dinner/dance) is planned for Feb 09 to buy a projector.
A dinner will be provided for officers/volunteers to show appreciation for their support; date TBD.
William Brabam is the Research Committee Chairperson, please contact him if you would like to assist with research.
Lucky Sweeney is the Program Director and will assist in facilitating meetings and scheduling speakers.
Judith Goldberg is replacing Breanna Gomberg as the Communications Chairperson.
Featured Speaker
Kari Noren-Hoshal is a practicing astrologer in Baltimore, Maryland. She became interested in sacred practices of indigenous cultures while growing up in Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and Egypt where she lived between the ages of 7 and 18. Kari teaches an internship program in astrology and publishes a monthly column in the Baltimore Health Quest. Contact Kari at or 410-662-4676.
Correspondences between the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 and the major Uranus/Pluto square in 2010 and 2011 indicate that we are in for a revolutionary ride that harkens back to the Summer of Love in the late 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct. This echo of revolutionary spirit can be viewed as an inspired and inspiring time leading up to the grand event of the Galactic Alignment between the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy in 2012. Join us to find out more about the Mayan Calendar and your individual Mayan Day Sign. Learn to use your Mayan Day Sign as a resource to dealing with the increasing stress we are feeling at the close of the Piscean Age.
CD/DVD and other Info
CDs ($10.00) and MP3s ($8.00) of this talk are available from Baltimore NCGR. Available at meetings or contact Teri Taylor 443-794-9126.
Kari provided handouts with information to refer to during her talk. The packet includes a bibliography of recommended books for more info on the Mayan calendar. Kari has a DVD of a talk on the Mayan Calendar given at Breathe Books in Baltimore, in April 2008 that includes a bonus: interview with shamans from Peru on their view of the Mayan Calendar and its ending. The DVD is available from Kari for $15.00.
Some highlights from Kari’s Talk on the Mayan Calendar and Astrology 2008-2012
Mayan's developed calendars for many different functions, such as determining the best times for marriages and planting. This talk discusses the symbolic calendar that focuses on the evolution of man, and has its ending at the winter solstice of 2012.
Have determined that the system is based on the number 20, from there able to determine when calendar ends.
Ceremonial places torn down and a cathedral built out of the stones.
Stella known to have recorded the history of man from their beginnings. Have calculated the beginning of the universe at about 15 billion years ago (big bang), western scientists have calculated it as approx 6 billion years ago.
A time when the sun will align with a particular point in the milky way galaxy.
In Chichen Itza in the Yucatan can see how you can look at how the rising of the sun changes (observe precession) the earth shifts about 1 degree every 72 years. 5125 years ago a similar event occurred that is expected in 2012. Expect the sun in 2012 will intercept a dark place in the milky way; will appear to rise in that dark place, known as the cross roads in Mayan, womb place in Peruvian. A major turning point expected when the sun is in this womb.; sun rising to impregnate the womb of the galaxy.
In Mexico in the vicinity of the pyramid Talapa or in Chichen Itza you will see these phenomena.
Anthropological studies show that body types and blood types were similar. Not sure why a lot of them died out when the Spanish arrived in 1520. Warring cultures developed among the Maya; they gradually moved toward Mexico city. They thought Cortez was there plumed serpent god. They gave him gifts of some of their most precious books including the po po vul. Since the 1950 much research at archeological sites. Able to decipher their pictographs now.
Mayans used the four directions as classifications. 20 days - 5 signs for each of the 4 directions. A different sign for each of the 20 days.
The film Apocalypto made by Mel Gibson recommended - depicts a point in history when a warring faction was coming; they thought they had to placate the gods by human sacrifices.
An astrological age 2172 years, multiplied by 12 equals a precession.
Pluto is in the final degrees of Sag; moving into Cap on Nov 26 for 15 years;
Saturn will move into Libra Oct 30, 2009; Uranus will move in Aries May 30, 2010
Neptune will move into Uranus April 5, 2011 - indicator of entering a new age
Pluto, Saturn and Uranus will all be moving into cardinal signs; in 2014 will create a cardinal cross, indicator of the 4 directions, the beginning of something.
Richard Tarnas (see bibliography) mentioned that it is important to look at world transits. 1960 -1972 Pluto and Uranus were conjunct, 1965/66 in 1 degree of each other. Pluto - deep soul transformation and Uranus - unrest, upheaval;2007-2015 Pluto square Uranus - challenge, being tested, what was learned/needed to be learned in the 60's is now coming to a place of testing. exact between 2012 - 2016.
First page of handout includes description of Mayan underworlds - national, planetary, galactic, universal; these 4 worlds exist simultaneously national started - when nations first developed,
planetary - seeing other worlds -also creation of telescope when other worlds beyond us could be seen in 1700's; galactic - starting to realize we have a divine connection, since 1999 have really started thinking about this; prediction 2011- more telekinetic people.
Similarities between the 1960s and now - Kennedy was youngest and first catholic; if Obama is elected he will be 2nd youngest and 1rst biracial. JFK selected Lyndon Johnson, while Obama chose Joe Biden. Ted Kennedy has endorsed Obama. Michelle - many are commented on what she is wearing, also widely respected like Jackie, law background. parallel with war cycles and expense.
Election day will be exact opposition of Saturn (McCain)and Uranus (Obama). Richard Tarnas says in his book that everything that occurs in one alignment affects another, as if every one born after the 60s bears the effects of the 60s as if having lived then - collective unconscious.
Keep in mind that there are cycles and that you can use wide orbs, to see the similarities between cycles such as current time and the 60s.
World tree appears in the middle of the 4 direction symbols. They believed in reincarnation, you climbed down the world tree at death and climbed it at birth.
The 2012 event (sun conjuncts dark rift) only happens every 26000 years. If you have 28 sag in your chart - pay attention.
Shift of directions, shifts balance of power, ex. rise of India and China in power.
Jun 26, 2010 - Pluto in cap at 6 degrees, Uranus in arise at 6 degrees in mutable houses
Jun 27, 2012 8 deg Uranus, 8 deg Pluto, Jupiter 3 deg Gemini opposing nn in Aquarius
Dec 21 2012 - day of end of Mayan calendar Jupiter in Gemini opp Venus in Sag, Pluto squ Uranus, Chiron squ Jupiter and Venus, a T-sq
April 21 2014 - most exact cardinal cross, Mars in Libra opp Uranus; cardinal grand cross in cardinal houses, houses of change.
Dates for meditation shown on page 6 to bring us closer to 7th sense people - having empathy across large distances.
Some conflicting opinions on end of Calendar.When the calendar ends in 2012, another one begins. The end of the calendar isn't a thing to be dreaded, it means we should be evolving into the belief that we are divine and able to connect with people on telepathic levels and levels beyond speech and touch.
Should we expect a pole shift? Yes sunspots are culminating, could experience drought, and a pole shift. Don't believe it will be the end of the world.
Pyramid will add more levels beyond the 9 after 2012. We are coming into a rebirth.
The Vedic cycle have yugas, they have a similar idea about the cycles as the Mayans. Galactic alignment book discusses the Vedic cycles in relationship to the Mayan calendar.
Peruvian shaman believe 2012 will be an apocalyptic time, earthquakes, floods. Sikh religion say beginning of aquarian age is 2012.
See article on this in NY Times Sun Dec 16, 2007.
A fundraiser (dinner/dance) is planned for Feb 09 to buy a projector.
A dinner will be provided for officers/volunteers to show appreciation for their support; date TBD.
William Brabam is the Research Committee Chairperson, please contact him if you would like to assist with research.
Lucky Sweeney is the Program Director and will assist in facilitating meetings and scheduling speakers.
Judith Goldberg is replacing Breanna Gomberg as the Communications Chairperson.
Featured Speaker
Kari Noren-Hoshal is a practicing astrologer in Baltimore, Maryland. She became interested in sacred practices of indigenous cultures while growing up in Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and Egypt where she lived between the ages of 7 and 18. Kari teaches an internship program in astrology and publishes a monthly column in the Baltimore Health Quest. Contact Kari at or 410-662-4676.
Correspondences between the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 and the major Uranus/Pluto square in 2010 and 2011 indicate that we are in for a revolutionary ride that harkens back to the Summer of Love in the late 1960s when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct. This echo of revolutionary spirit can be viewed as an inspired and inspiring time leading up to the grand event of the Galactic Alignment between the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy in 2012. Join us to find out more about the Mayan Calendar and your individual Mayan Day Sign. Learn to use your Mayan Day Sign as a resource to dealing with the increasing stress we are feeling at the close of the Piscean Age.
CD/DVD and other Info
CDs ($10.00) and MP3s ($8.00) of this talk are available from Baltimore NCGR. Available at meetings or contact Teri Taylor 443-794-9126.
Kari provided handouts with information to refer to during her talk. The packet includes a bibliography of recommended books for more info on the Mayan calendar. Kari has a DVD of a talk on the Mayan Calendar given at Breathe Books in Baltimore, in April 2008 that includes a bonus: interview with shamans from Peru on their view of the Mayan Calendar and its ending. The DVD is available from Kari for $15.00.
Some highlights from Kari’s Talk on the Mayan Calendar and Astrology 2008-2012
Mayan's developed calendars for many different functions, such as determining the best times for marriages and planting. This talk discusses the symbolic calendar that focuses on the evolution of man, and has its ending at the winter solstice of 2012.
Have determined that the system is based on the number 20, from there able to determine when calendar ends.
Ceremonial places torn down and a cathedral built out of the stones.
Stella known to have recorded the history of man from their beginnings. Have calculated the beginning of the universe at about 15 billion years ago (big bang), western scientists have calculated it as approx 6 billion years ago.
A time when the sun will align with a particular point in the milky way galaxy.
In Chichen Itza in the Yucatan can see how you can look at how the rising of the sun changes (observe precession) the earth shifts about 1 degree every 72 years. 5125 years ago a similar event occurred that is expected in 2012. Expect the sun in 2012 will intercept a dark place in the milky way; will appear to rise in that dark place, known as the cross roads in Mayan, womb place in Peruvian. A major turning point expected when the sun is in this womb.; sun rising to impregnate the womb of the galaxy.
In Mexico in the vicinity of the pyramid Talapa or in Chichen Itza you will see these phenomena.
Anthropological studies show that body types and blood types were similar. Not sure why a lot of them died out when the Spanish arrived in 1520. Warring cultures developed among the Maya; they gradually moved toward Mexico city. They thought Cortez was there plumed serpent god. They gave him gifts of some of their most precious books including the po po vul. Since the 1950 much research at archeological sites. Able to decipher their pictographs now.
Mayans used the four directions as classifications. 20 days - 5 signs for each of the 4 directions. A different sign for each of the 20 days.
The film Apocalypto made by Mel Gibson recommended - depicts a point in history when a warring faction was coming; they thought they had to placate the gods by human sacrifices.
An astrological age 2172 years, multiplied by 12 equals a precession.
Pluto is in the final degrees of Sag; moving into Cap on Nov 26 for 15 years;
Saturn will move into Libra Oct 30, 2009; Uranus will move in Aries May 30, 2010
Neptune will move into Uranus April 5, 2011 - indicator of entering a new age
Pluto, Saturn and Uranus will all be moving into cardinal signs; in 2014 will create a cardinal cross, indicator of the 4 directions, the beginning of something.
Richard Tarnas (see bibliography) mentioned that it is important to look at world transits. 1960 -1972 Pluto and Uranus were conjunct, 1965/66 in 1 degree of each other. Pluto - deep soul transformation and Uranus - unrest, upheaval;2007-2015 Pluto square Uranus - challenge, being tested, what was learned/needed to be learned in the 60's is now coming to a place of testing. exact between 2012 - 2016.
First page of handout includes description of Mayan underworlds - national, planetary, galactic, universal; these 4 worlds exist simultaneously national started - when nations first developed,
planetary - seeing other worlds -also creation of telescope when other worlds beyond us could be seen in 1700's; galactic - starting to realize we have a divine connection, since 1999 have really started thinking about this; prediction 2011- more telekinetic people.
Similarities between the 1960s and now - Kennedy was youngest and first catholic; if Obama is elected he will be 2nd youngest and 1rst biracial. JFK selected Lyndon Johnson, while Obama chose Joe Biden. Ted Kennedy has endorsed Obama. Michelle - many are commented on what she is wearing, also widely respected like Jackie, law background. parallel with war cycles and expense.
Election day will be exact opposition of Saturn (McCain)and Uranus (Obama). Richard Tarnas says in his book that everything that occurs in one alignment affects another, as if every one born after the 60s bears the effects of the 60s as if having lived then - collective unconscious.
Keep in mind that there are cycles and that you can use wide orbs, to see the similarities between cycles such as current time and the 60s.
World tree appears in the middle of the 4 direction symbols. They believed in reincarnation, you climbed down the world tree at death and climbed it at birth.
The 2012 event (sun conjuncts dark rift) only happens every 26000 years. If you have 28 sag in your chart - pay attention.
Shift of directions, shifts balance of power, ex. rise of India and China in power.
Jun 26, 2010 - Pluto in cap at 6 degrees, Uranus in arise at 6 degrees in mutable houses
Jun 27, 2012 8 deg Uranus, 8 deg Pluto, Jupiter 3 deg Gemini opposing nn in Aquarius
Dec 21 2012 - day of end of Mayan calendar Jupiter in Gemini opp Venus in Sag, Pluto squ Uranus, Chiron squ Jupiter and Venus, a T-sq
April 21 2014 - most exact cardinal cross, Mars in Libra opp Uranus; cardinal grand cross in cardinal houses, houses of change.
Dates for meditation shown on page 6 to bring us closer to 7th sense people - having empathy across large distances.
Some conflicting opinions on end of Calendar.When the calendar ends in 2012, another one begins. The end of the calendar isn't a thing to be dreaded, it means we should be evolving into the belief that we are divine and able to connect with people on telepathic levels and levels beyond speech and touch.
Should we expect a pole shift? Yes sunspots are culminating, could experience drought, and a pole shift. Don't believe it will be the end of the world.
Pyramid will add more levels beyond the 9 after 2012. We are coming into a rebirth.
The Vedic cycle have yugas, they have a similar idea about the cycles as the Mayans. Galactic alignment book discusses the Vedic cycles in relationship to the Mayan calendar.
Peruvian shaman believe 2012 will be an apocalyptic time, earthquakes, floods. Sikh religion say beginning of aquarian age is 2012.
See article on this in NY Times Sun Dec 16, 2007.
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